"Sound informant in the car” – cabin horn. Device, in fact, is a new version Sound assistant in the car . Sound informant in the car allows you to perform voice acting for various events. Moreover, you can set sounds when manipulating standard or additionally installed switches. The device has 12 input channels. Moreover, each of the channels can work as “by plus” so and “by minus”. Mode selection is changed using jumpers on the board. Each channel corresponds to sound files on the microSD card, ie. for channel 5, the sound from the 005.mp3 file will be played. All sound bites must be named 0xx.mp3 ( xx - channel number). Moreover, they should be in folders 01-05. Folder names correspond to kit numbers. The selection of the active set can be changed by pressing the service button on the device board. After power off, the active set is retained.

When the signal level changes at one of the inputs of the device, the corresponding sound fragment starts playing. Besides, different channels have some functional differences in operation:
- playing to the end of the track when the active signal is removed from the input
- repeat the track after the end when the signal is active at the input
- playback lock depending on the priority level of the channel
Signal sources are connected to inputs, which form a + 12V level or connect to a common wire. The sound informant in the car is powered by the vehicle's on-board network. Power is supplied to the terminal block ( red wire + 12V, black wire- general ). Speaker required rated power 10-100 W. . To replace sound fragments, the device has a card reader for installing a microSD memory card